Be inspired, give voice,
nourish your soul.

Hello, and welcome.

St. John's Elora is a community of Christian faith in the Anglican tradition known for outstanding choral work, inspiring preaching and liturgy, and generous outreach.  Our four priorities are to proclaim the love of Christ, engage and involve people, musical outreach and open doors.  We are a member of the Anglican Church of Canada in the Diocese of Niagara.

We strive to be a thriving, spiritually nourishing, healthy, welcoming and missional community. Reaching out and reaching in, community engagement, and partnerships are all critical as we build on our past and present strengths. Our ministry together depends on factors such as spiritual authenticity, intellectual integrity, respectful behaviour, the ability to listen attentively, and community hospitality. We move towards the 2030s in a spirit of love with thanksgiving for what we have been given.

March Services


  • 8:00am— Holy Communion (BCP)

  • 9:00am - Eucharist (BAS)

  • 11:00am - Choral Communion (BCP) (March 2, March 16, March 30)

    - Choral Matins (BCP) (March 9, March 23)

Wednesdays- 10:00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Ash Wednesday— 10:00 Holy Communion

7:00 PM Penitential Evensong

Upcoming Events

St. John’s is pleased to present concerts and musical events for the enjoyment of our community as part of our mission of musical outreach. Advance tickets are now available for our Headlining Concerts, and don’t miss our monthly informal PWYC Sunday afternoon concerts as well.

Winter/Spring 2025 Highlights include:

  • HymnSing@150: your favourite hymns in celebration of St. John’s 150th!—Feb 22, 2pm

    • Join the Mass Choir for the hymn sing using the button below. Rehearsal Feb 22 at 1pm.

  • The New Orford String Quartet—March 2, 3:30pm (ticketed)

  • Durufle’s Requiem— June 22, 3pm (ticketed)

  • Informal afternoon concerts each month (pay-what-you-wish)

Concert Series

Open Doors Project

Open Doors is one of the FOUR PRIORITIES in our Vision to serve the community we live in.

We have received both Synod Council approval and the Bishop’s approval for the project to go ahead. This is a historic time in the life of the parish. The Bishop has written a letter to the wardens affirming the project. The goal is to make our church spaces fully accessible and to make necessary infrastructure upgrades. Click the link below to read the Rector’s articulation of the Vision for Open Doors.

We currently have $1,073,000 in pledges and donations and $190,000 in community bonds.

Subscribe to our St. John’s Elora YouTube Channel to participate in our most recent liturgy.